Jake vs Pirate run - Jake vs Pirate run is a fun level based runner featuring a young sailor that finds a hidden treasure on a remote tropical...
Zombie Destroyer: Facility escape - To save the world from the zombies, you must activate all the bombs and escape from this facility, before they escape…Earn...
Super Smash Online - This shooter multiplayer game is one of the best games that you dream of. It’s a 2d arcade style side platformer battle...
Farmers VS Zombies - Farmers vs Zombies.This is a tower defense strategy game. The player defends his farm from hordes of zombies.The zombie apocalypse!Hordes...
Infinite Cactus - Build your cactus tower in the Far West and pass the barriers, but beware! Keep it smooth, on the right timing and the right...
Kawaii Jump - How far can you jump ?Kawaii-bunga!!! Our little friend wants to go back to his island by perpetually jumping from one platform...
Mini-Golf - In the game Mini Golf you have to complete the levels in 5 moves.There are 30 levels available in the game, each of which...
Sports Car Challenge - Sports Car Challenge is a great simulation game in which you can try a sports car and test its possibilities.You can choose...
Save the Fuzzies and help them escape from the cruel crushing machine! Merge at least 3 Fuzzies of the same color. Can you save the Fuzzies before they're getting squeezed?